Friday, January 7, 2011

The Seeds Are In!

I ordered them from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Mansfield, Missouri.

This first one is Lungo Bianco zucchini.  It is a bush plant that originally comes from Italy.

I thought the Lemon Squash was so cute!  It is said to have great bug resistance and flavor.

I love the color of this purple plum radish.  They have a sweet taste.

My kids chose this Tigger Melon to grow.  The fruit weighs about a pound each and the color is amazing.

This Burmese Okra is a native of Africa.  It has no spines and thrives in the heat.

Dragons Egg Cucumbers are small and they are great producers.

These are Tonda di Parigi Carrots.  They grow to about 1-2 inches and have a sweet taste.

And finally, I got these Yellow Wonder Wild Strawberries.  They are said to be preferred by the finest restaurants.

I also bought Clyde's Garden Planner.  It is a handy tool that tells when to plant based on frost dates.

I'll buy onion sets, tomato plants and pepper plants locally.  Can't wait to get started!


  1. I love Bakers Creek seeds! I'm trying to grow the Dragon's Egg cucs too. The small, round carrots grew much better for me here in FL than the long ones.

  2. We're going to visit their farm next month! I'm so excited to meet them and see all they do. And to pick up some more seeds! I planted the carrots, but haven't been able to get them to come up. The 100 degree weather we had might have something to do with it.
